Wednesday, 26 February 2014



The project “ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT OPTIONS” gives the brief idea regarding the various investment options that are prevailing in the financial markets in India. With lots of investment options like banks, Fixed Deposits, Government bonds, stock market, real estate, gold and mutual funds the common investor ends up more confused than ever. Each and every investment option has its own merits and demerits. In this project I have discussed about few investment options available.

Any investor before investing should take into consideration the safety, liquidity, returns, entry/exit barriers and tax efficiency parameters. We need to evaluate each investment option on the above-mentioned basis and then invest money. Today investor faces too much confusion in analyzing the various investment options available and then selecting the best suitable one. In the present project, investment options are compared on the basis of returns as well as on the parameters like safety, liquidity, term holding etc. thus assisting the investor as a guide for investment purpose.


The primary objective of the project is to make an analysis of various investment decision.  The aim is to compare the returns given by various investment decision. To cater the different needs of investor, these options are also compared on the basis of various parameters like safety, liquidity, risk, entry/exit barriers, etc.

The project work was undertaken in order to have a reasonable understanding about the investment industry.  The project work includes knowing about the investment DECISIONS like equity, bond, real estate, gold and mutual fund.  All investment DECISIONS are discussed with their types, workings and returns.


Equities, Bonds, Real Estate, Gold, Mutual Funds and Life Insurance were identified as major types of investment decision.

The primary data for the project regarding investment and various investment DECISIONS were collected through.

The secondary date for the project regarding investment and various investment DECISIONS were collected from websites, textbooks and magazines.

Then the averages of returns over a period of 5 years are considered for the purpose of comparison of investment options. Then, critical analysis is made on certain parameters like returns, safety, liquidity, etc. Giving weight-age to the different type of needs of the investors and then multiplying the same with the values assigned does this.

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Tuesday, 25 February 2014




Indian mobile industry has witnessed a dramatic growth. Cheap mobile handsets, affordable airtime rates, low initial cost and affordable monthly rentals made it easy for anybody to go mobile. As per latest statistics India has around 160 million mobile subscribers. In India where the youth constitute majority of the population a war between the service providers is on to capture this market. Students contribute 50% of youth population.
The objective of this study is to find the opinion of the student who is already using any of the service provider and the satisfaction level of the service provided.
Air Tel, Vodafone, Idea, Cell one are the four companies which are included in study.

Primary source:

 A well structured questionnaire is prepared to know the respondents opinion about the service of their service provider.

Secondary Source:

Different web sites, company reports, research company’s reports (McKinsey, PWC, etc...).
The sample size taken for study is 200.

Though the figures show Air Tel has major share in market, study has shown that among student community to which the study is conducted Vodafone has larger share than Air Tel. Reasons like Packages offered by Vodafone are attracting students, which makes it a have a larger share. Services and network of Air Tel is good compare to the other players in the market but it is VODAFONE which offers better packages.

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Monday, 24 February 2014





I was assigned (Region) where I was required to collect & analyze data from (region). The research involved studying existing customers. It covered each and every aspect of personal loan, which can affect customer satisfaction. The main objective of the study was to find out areas where customers are not satisfied with the service offered by Citifinancial regarding personal loan.

I was required to collect data from existing customers, analyze it, interpret it & make recommendations which can help Citifinancial to improve on areas where it is lacking & achieve better customer satisfaction by focusing on such areas.

The report will first give you a brief about the research methodology, which I was supposed to use in the study.  After this you will come to know about personal loans & the current trends in personal loans market in India. You will also get information on Citigroup & Citifinancial. Apart from this you will come to know about how I analyzed & interpreted the collected data. I hope that you will find this report interesting & will help you in conducting further studies on this sector.

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Sunday, 23 February 2014



Event management as the name suggests is the application of project management to the creation, on site management and post execution management for various sorts of events be it corporate events, festivals, conferences.

Event management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event. Post-event analysis and ensuring a return on investment have become significant drivers for the event industry

The recent growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world means that the management can no longer be ad hoc. Events and festivals, such as the Asian Games, have a large impact on their communities and, in some cases, the whole country.

The industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast meeting for ten business people. Many industries, charitable organizations, and interest groups will hold events of some size in order to market themselves, build business relationships, raise money or celebrate.

Event managers can supervise diverse corporate events, such as product launches, press conferences, corporate anniversary parties, meetings, conferences, and marketing programs such as road shows and grand opening events. In addition, they can coordinate special corporate hospitality events such as concerts, award ceremonies, film premieres, parties to launch new products or services, fashion shows, commercial events, and even private events such as weddings and religious services. Event management firms can handle a variety of specific event-related services, which can range from a few select services for clients with limited budgets, to handling all creative, technical and logistical aspects of an event.

The event manager is the person who plans and executes the event. Event managers and their teams are often behind-the-scenes running the event. Event managers may also be involved in more than just the planning and execution of the event, but also brand building, marketing and communication strategy. The event manager is experts at the creative, technical and logistical elements that help an event succeed. This includes event design, audio-visual production, script writing, logistics, budgeting, negotiation and, of course, client service. It is a multi-dimensional profession.

An event architect is an event manager that becomes involved at the early initiation stages of the event. Especially for larger public events, at the initiation stage, the event architect needs to make crucial choices and decisions related to the creative concept and design of the event. In depth technical design knowledge and full understanding of how to communicate a company´s message across a public are needed in order to make the event effective.

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Friday, 21 February 2014

Mba Project Free: A Brief Study on Class Advertising with reference to Kadam Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

                             OBJECTIVES OF STUDY

Class Advertising refers to the diversity of  customers and does not try to please all of them with the  same offering.
            Thus Class Advertising can be defined as the advertising for specific class of market sothat specific need of ultimate customer can be fulfilled.
There are several objectives for doing research study on Class Adverting. These are given as follows-
1:-        The study has done to identify varios media for advertising which can help advertisers to target the right audience of each classes.
2:-        To reduce cost of advertising through choosing right media of advertising.
3:-        Ther is huge potential for development in advertising. The objective of study is to experience the insights of the Indian Entertainment And Media Industry as well as Indian Adverting Industry.
4:-        To understand the  exposure level of varios classes in rural areas as well as in urban areas.

5:-        To remove the drawback of mass marketing is that customer needs and preferences differs and the same offering is unlikely to be viewed as optimal by all customers.

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Thursday, 20 February 2014



                                                  Established in California during the 1940s by two brothers, the McDonald’s restaurant became a popular teen hangout in the first flush of post-war affluence. To feed these youthful bodies, the brothers reduced the menu to the perennial favourite – hamburgers, applied assembly line techniques to food production and expanded to four restaurants by 1953. Taking note of the brothers’ success, in 1955, Entrepreneur Ray Kroc bought the right to franchise the McDonald’s System. Renamed the McDonald’s Corporation in 1960, Kroc focused his marketing effort on the family meal and children, spending heavily on television advertising which promoted the smiling clown face of its child-friendly brand mascot, Ronald McDonald. Today, the McDonald’s franchise exceeds 30,000 restaurants globally and serves over 50 million people in more than 121 countries each day.
                                   The business began in 1940, Their introduction of the "Speedee Service System" in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. The original mascot of McDonald's was a man with a chef's hat on top of a hamburger shaped head whose name was "Speedee." Speedee was eventually replaced with Ronald McDonald in 1963. Believing that the McDonald formula was a ticket to success, Kroc suggested that they franchise their restaurants throughout the country. When they hesitated to take on this additional burden, Kroc volunteered to do it for them. He returned to his home outside of Chicago with rights to set up McDonald's restaurants throughout the country, except in a handful of territories in California and Arizona already licensed by the McDonald brothers. Kroc's first McDonald's restaurant opened in Des Plaines, Illinois, near Chicago, on April 15, 1955--the same year that Kroc incorporated his company as McDonald's Corporation. As with any new venture, Kroc encountered a number of hurdles. The first was adapting the McDonald's building design to a northern climate. A basement had to be installed to house a furnace, and adequate ventilation was difficult, as exhaust fans sucked out warm air in the winter and cool air in the summer.

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Wednesday, 19 February 2014



This project for done for Coca-Cola Pvt. Ltd. With their distribution points at ________.

Ultimate objective of the every organization is to satisfy the needs and wants of their customer in which distribution channel plays a vital role.
The study will be done taking 100 as the Sample Size.. The sampling method used y is “Stratified Random Sampling “. The source for conducting survey was taken from the distributors Red Outlet List provided by the distributors in ________ city.
This study helps the organization in the following way:

  • To know performance of existing distribution channel
  • To know if there are any flows in the channel
  • To know their retailers satisfaction level with respect to the existing channel.

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Monday, 17 February 2014


Customer relationship management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing,customer relation, and technical support.The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients; nurture and retain those the company already has; entice former clients back into the fold; and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments. Measuring and valuing customer relationships is critical to implementing this strategy.


Benefits of Customer Relationship Management

A Customer Relationship Management system may be chosen because it is thought to provide the following advantages:
§  Quality and efficiency
§  Decrease in overall costs



Successful development, implementation, use and support of customer relationship management systems can provide a significant advantage to the user, but often there are obstacles that obstruct the user from using the system to its full potential. Instances of a CRM attempting to contain a large, complex group of data can become cumbersome and difficult to understand for ill-trained users. The lack of senior management sponsorship can also hinder the success of a new CRM system. Stakeholders must be identified early in the process and a full commitment is needed from all executives before beginning the conversion. But the challenges faced by the company will last longer for the convenience of their customers.

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                   Stock exchange is an organized market place where securities are traded. These securities are issued by the government, semi-government bodies, public sector undertakings and companies for borrowing funds and raising resources. Securities are defined as any monetary claims (promissory notes or I.O.U) and also include shares, debentures, bonds and etc., if these securities are marketable as in the case of the government stock, they are transferable by endorsement and alike movable property. They are tradable on the stock exchange. So are the case shares of  companies.

              Under the Securities Contract Regulation Act of 1956, securities’ trading is regulated by the Central Government and such trading can take place only in stock exchanges recognized by the government under this Act. As referred to earlier there are at present 23 such recognized stock exchanges in India. Of these, major stock exchanges, like Bombay Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange, Inter-Connected Stock Exchange, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore etc. are permanently recognized while a few are temporarily recognized. The above act has also laid down that trading in approved contract should be done through registered members of the exchange. As per the rules made under the above act, trading in securities permitted to be traded would be in the normal trading hours (10 A.M to 3.30 P.M) on working days in the trading ring, as specified for trading purpose. Contracts approved to be traded are the following:
A.   Spot delivery deals are for deliveries of shares on the same day or the next day as the payment is made.
B.   Hand deliveries deals for delivering shares within a period of 7 to 14 days from the date of contract.
C.   Delivery through clearing for delivering shares with in a period of two months from the date of the contract, which is now reduce to 15 days.(Reduced to 2 days in demat trading)
D.   Special Delivery deals for delivering of shares for specified longer periods as may be approved by the governing board of the stock exchange.

                          Except in those deals meant for delivery on spot basis, all the rest are to be put through by the registered brokers of a stock exchange. The securities contracts (Regulation) rules of 1957 laid down the condition for such trading, the trading hours, rules of trading, settlement of disputes, etc. as between the members and of the members with reference to their clients.

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Sunday, 16 February 2014


NEED FOR THE STUDY               

                               Stock exchanges are an integral part of the capital market. It is the perfect type of market for securities whether of govt. or semi govt. bodies or other bodies as for share and debentures issued by the joint stock enterprises.
 Stock exchanges provide liquidity to the listed companies; they give quotations to the listed companies and help in trading and raising funds from the market.
An exchange provides ready market for the sale and purchase of securities.
Stock market in India is more than century old and has been functioning effectively through the medium of recognized stock exchanges. The stock market, which is integral part of the capital, has a major impact on the functioning of the corporate sector in particular. Since the capital market is playing, major role in the Indian economy from the past several years there is an essential need to study the overall functioning of stock exchange.

This method includes the data collected from the personal interaction with authorized members of Share Khan Securities limited.


The scope of the study analyses us to know how the On-line Trading activities are carried out in SHAREKHAN.

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Saturday, 15 February 2014


Mba project free: A report on budget analysis of a cement company


 BUDGET: Budget is essential in every walk of our life – national, domestic and Business. A budget is prepared to have effective utilization of funds and for the realization of objective as efficiently as possible. Budgeting is a powerful tool to the management for performing its functions i.e., formulation plans, coordination activities and controlling operations etc., efficiently. For efficient and effective management planning and control are tow highly essential functions. Budget and budgetary control provide a set of basic techniques for planning and control.

            A budget fixes a target in terms of rupees or quantities against which the actual performance is measured. A budget is closely related to both the management function as well as the accounting function of an organization.

            As the size of the organization increases, the need for budgeting is correspondingly more because a budget is an effective tool of planning and control. Budget is helpful in coordinating the various activities (such as production, sales, purchase etc) of the organization with result that all the activities precede according to the objective. Budgets are means of communication. Ideas of the top management are given the practical shape. As the activities of various department heads are coordinated at the much needed for the very success of an organization. Budget is necessary to future to motivate the staff associated, to coordinate the activities of different departments and to control the performance of various persons operating at different levels.

            Budgets may be divided into two basic classes. Capital and operating budgets. Capital budget are directed towards proposed expenditure for new projects and often require special financing.

The operating budgets are directed towards achieving short-term operational goals of the organization for instance, production or profit goals in a business firm. Operating budgets may be sub-divided into various departmental of functional budgets.

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Friday, 14 February 2014


Mba project free:  Sudy of foreign exchange and its risk management


A Multinational company with high currency risk is likely to face financial difficulties which tend to have a disrupting on the operating side of the business.

A disrupted financial conditions are likely to:
  • Result in the problem of adverse incentives.
  • Weakens the commitment of various stake holders.

Foreign exchange exposure and risk are important concept in the study of international finance. It is the sensitivity of the home currency value of asset, liabilities, or operating incomes to unanticitpated changes in the exchange rates.
Exposure exists if the home currency values on an average in a particular manner. It also exists where numerous currencies are involved.

Foreign exchange risk is the variance of the home currency value of items arising on account of unanticipated changes in the exchange rates.

The derivative instruments like forwards, futures and options are used to hedge against the foreign exchange risk of the Multinational companies.

The original derivatives contract of International Finance is the ‘Forward exchange contract’. Forward Foreign exchange is a traditional and popular risk management tool to obtain protection against adverse exchange rate movements. The exchange rate is ‘locked in’ for a specific date in future, which enables the person involved in the contract to plan for and budget the business expenses with more certainty.

Forward exchange market, has since the 1960s, played the role of linking international interest rates. Today, however, Forward contract have to share other instruments and markets for arbitrage and for hedging. These newer derivative instruments include Futures, Options and Swaps.

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Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Satisfaction regarding various brands of Flat Screen colour television.

MBA Project Free: Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Satisfaction regarding various brands of Flat Screen colour television.

Research work is management parlance is extremely important for a given close view of the relatives of the real life business issues .  For any management student who is striving to perform outstandingly. It is of paramount importance that apart from theoretical knowledge he must also gain some practical knowledge.  Survey report deals specially with providing an opportunity to management students to have some exposure in real business world.  My study topic deals with Consumer Behavior and Consumer Satisfaction regarding 21" Flat Color Television.
          Television regarded as one of the major achievement of modern science in everywhere in every nook and corner of the world.  Television is such a powerful media that it can make or mar any person, product, idea or service.  The attraction towards the product (TV) category is so great that compelled me undertake the research work in this segment.

The primary objective of the survey is to analyze the consumer behavior and consumer satisfaction in Television segment in _________.

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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Study of Enabling Organizational Systems Using ERP/IFS Tools For Competitive Quotations At HAL


This summer training, carried out at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Hyderabad; included familiarizing with the various processes involved in the company from the point of receiving of customer orders, the production processes involved; till the final dispatch of the end product to the customers. A first hand exposure to the Industrial Financial Systems (IFS), a module of the company’s larger ERP software platform, was a part of this project work; which enabled better understanding of the cycle time, costing and additional facilities required by the future customers.

Apart from this, a quotation for one of the company’s project of communication equipments called 5 KW is made with thrust on competitive costing and delivery time along with the incorporation of technical requirements of customers. The inputs from the IFS systems were used to finalize this quotation under the guidance of the marketing department of HAL.

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Mba project free:Human resource management at standard chartered bank


Standard Chartered today
Today Standard Chartered is the world's leading emerging markets bank employing 30,000 people in over 500 offices in more than 50 countries primarily in countries in the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas.
The new millennium has brought with it two of the largest acquisitions in the history of the bank with the purchase of Grindlays Bank from the ANZ Group and the acquisition of the Chase Consumer Banking operations in Hong Kong in 2000.

These acquisitions demonstrate Standard Chartered firm committed to the emerging markets, where they have a strong and established presence and where we see our future growth.

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Topic of the study: “A study report on customer satisfaction and service analysis of  TVS  in _____________city”

Need for study:

To understand the satisfaction level of the customer regarding the service provided by ______________TVS, to understand what are the customer requirement and improvement required by them in service .

Objective of the study:

Ø  To know the customer satisfaction level towards services of  TVS.
Ø  .To know the problems presently faced by the customers at TVS.
Ø  To study the post sales service performance.
Ø  To know the new area of improvement.

Research Design:

Ø  Primary Source: Questionnaire & Personal interaction.
Ø  Secondary Source: Company data through Internet.
Ø  Sample Size: 100 customers
Ø  Location: _________________

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Wednesday, 12 February 2014



Do take some time off for a brief interlude with the past, as we take you back in time to the evolution of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. A new chapter in the history of Indian industry. Petroleum (derived from Latin Petra - rock and oleum - oil) first came up in wells drilled for salt. People found it useful as illuminating oil and the demand for it steadily increased. The development and promotion of efficient kerosene-burning appliances for lighting and cooking was an important part of kerosene selling activity the company introduced LPG as a cooking fuel to the Indian home in the mid-1950s. And all along, it went beyond selling petroleum, An agreement to build a modern refinery at Trombay, Bombay was signed between the Burmah Shell group of companies and the Government of India on 15th December 1951.
The Gas Industry plays very important role because it is very essential for every human being
So that there are four company like Bharat gas, Hindustan gas, Indian gas and reliance gas etc  the almost all the people are using the gas for cooking and for the vehicles.The companies and the government has made some rules for the new connections that the rules the should have the ration card and the identity card or voter card.

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Tuesday, 11 February 2014

MBA project Reports Free : Marketing project report on Customers switching from Airtel to other telecom service providers.

MBA project Reports Free : Marketing project report on Customers switching from Airtel to other telecom service providers.

Established in 1985, Bharti Airtel has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit, ranging from being the first mobile service in Delhi, first private basic telephone service provider in the country, first Indian company to provide comprehensive telecom services outside India in Seychelles and first private sector service provider to launch National Long Distance Services in India. Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited was incorporated on July 7, 1995 for promoting investments in telecommunications services. Its subsidiaries operate telecom services across India. The group has a total customer base of 6.45 million, of which 5.86 million are mobile and 588,000 fixed line customers, as of January 31, 2004. In mobile, Bharti’s footprint extends across 15 circles.
Customer retention Strategies…
            Determine the strength of the company’s customer retention strategies by asking existing customers whether they will recommend the company or not. Even though customer relationships are one of the company’s most valuable assets, they are often one of the most undervalued assets too. In the constant battle to gain new customers, it is easy to over look the value existing customer relationship
All corporate profits are ultimately eared from conducting successful relationship with customers. As the source of all your profits, customer relationships should be valued and protected. Every customer relationship is an asset and has a economic value or Lifetime Market Value (LMV). A customer’s Lifetime Market Value is determined by taking your average customer transaction amount and multiplying it by the number of transactions he or she will conduct with your organization over time.
Reasons Customers Leave:

Ø  Move or Die 4%
Ø  Other Company Friendship 5%
Ø  Competition 9%
Ø  Product Dissatisfaction 15%
Ø  No Customer Contact Strategy 67%

PROBLEM STATEMENT: “Formulation of Customer Retention strategies by assessing reasons for switching over from Airtel to other service providers”
It helps the company to know the customers and their preferences, it helps the company to know potential customers, and it also helps company to know competitors,
 It also helps the company to retain the customers and satisfy them, it helps the company to increase its market share,
It helps the researcher to know the company, its market share. Its potential, it helps to know about different telecom companies. It helps the researcher to know about the customer,
  1. To study the telecommunication sector in India.
  2. To study the reasons as to why the customers are switching from Airtel to other service providers.
  3. To find out the problems faced by Airtel postpaid users in particular.
  4. To carryout the competitor analyses.
   The   methodology to be adopted to fulfill the objectives of the project is as follows
·        Observations 
·        Interview

·        Accessing the company documents

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